Thanks for coming here.

I am a horror and science fiction writer, drawn particularly to the darker side of the human (or alien) experience. I am also an academic with a subject background in Sociology and Jewish Studies.

In addition to working in academia, I have worked as a language instructor, editor, translator, computational linguist, and currently as a UX Writer in tech. I am an all around language geek and fierce advocate for the arts, humanities, and social sciences. I am delighted to be co-editing AcademFic, a journal for academics who write fiction.

Occasionally, I take on select literary translation projects (German and English).

I am from Germany but have lived abroad since pretty much 2008.

English is my second language. I started learning it in school when I was ten, I started writing fiction in English when I was sixteen. It just fit better…

I recently entered the fifth decade of my life, which makes me wise by default, eligible for a number of fun cancer screenings, and subject to anti-age-discrimination-HR-stuff. Yupp. Awesome.

Anna Ziegelhof is a pen name.

When I first started publishing fiction, I was between jobs and wanted to keep my online presences separate, particularly academic writing versus my first attempts at public fiction writing. I borrowed the name from an ancestor (if not with her permission then hopefully with her blessing) – one in a line of hard-working Annas from the Ruhr area of Germany.

Since you’ve read this far, here are links to some highlights of my academic portfolio.

The Nowhere Bible (monograph based on my PhD thesis)

Fan Fiction and Ancient Scribal Cultures

Substitution Awe: Science Fiction and the Computer-Generated Mysterium Tremendum

What if – if then: How Fiction Fits In (AcademFic)