Happy new(ish) year! Also, I’m trying Substack

I’m trying Substack. Thanks.

I’ve been on my way away from social media for a while, but I do enjoy reading newsletters from my author-friends.

Substackily, I’ll try to send one update each quarter.

You may expect:

*updates on what I’ve been working on in fiction and non-fiction

*things I’ve enjoyed reading or studying

*recurring dreams about orcas coming for breakfast and then refusing to leave (ugh…)

*other things that keep me up at night

*new publications (if any)

I’ve been working on a nonfiction article for a Routledge handbook since November. It’s with the editors now, so I’m exploding a bit under the non-pressure. (It’s fine. It’ll be back. With edits.)

I often think of deep-sea creatures. I have been recommending the Deep-Sea Podcast to everyone.

A couple of new things are coming out soon. I’ll write separate blog posts for each when the time comes. I’m glad the pipeline isn’t empty, because rejections have been coming in like a hailstorm lately. The sheer bulk and speed of them… I’ve been feeling a bit tender.


Works published, works read, work done